Exploration. Imagination. Implementation.

From exploration to vision to implementation.
Together we translate bold ideas into digital experiences that customers enjoy and let businesses accelerate.


Building scalable, distributed and fault-tolerant real-time applications.

Since 2016 I have been working as a Freelance Software Developer based in Vienna, Austria for a broad range of customers in different industries. During this time I specialized in a variety of Front- and Back-end technologies and supported customers building user-centric applications.

Today I work for a variety of small- and mid-sized companies in Europe.

Journey to Mastery

Full-stack developer with over 20 years of experience in development and creation of user-centric applications.

  • gehtalles

    Freelance Fullstack Developer
    03/2016 – present | Vienna, Austria

  • nextSociety GmbH

    Senior Software Developer
    07/2014 – 02/2016 | Vienna, Austria

  • Neoskop GmbH

    Team Lead & Senior Software Developer
    02/2011 – 06/2014 | Hanover, Germany

  • RpunktDesign GmbH

    Web Developer
    05/2007 – 01/2011 | Hanover, Germany

  • Deutsche Telekom AG

    Junior IT and Network Specialist
    09/2004 – 03/2007 | Detmold, Germany


Continuous learning new technologies to sharpen skills in order to effectively handle the workload.

  • Front-end and Mobile

    ECMAScript 2015+, Typescript, Dart, React, Next.js, React Native, Flutter, CSS, Semantic HTML5, A11Y / WCAG, sass, postcss, Tailwind

  • Back-end

    • PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Websockets, REST, GraphQL, JSON:API, OAuth2, JWT
    • Elixir/Erlang, Phoenix (LiveView), Ecto, Oban, Broadway
    • NodeJS, Express, Fastify, Sequelize, TypeORM, Prisma, Supabase, Firebase
    • Serverless Framework, AWS: S3, AppSync, Lambda, DynamoDB, SES, SNS and more...
  • DevOps

    CI & CD, Monitoring, Tooling, Ansible, Terraform, Docker

  • Workflow

    Linux, Vim, Git, GitLab, Github, Gimp, Figma

  • Soft Skills

    Resilience & focus acquired through working on multiple projects at the same time in an agency environment